Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 60

So much has happened since last week. After so much piled up stress, I feel like more than a few weights have been lifted off of my shoulders. First, I finished all of my midterms in two consecutive days. It was really intense and I'm not exactly sure of how I did, but I was just happy to get through them and finish.

After my Korean midterm on Friday, I had my first meal in two days. I was super exhausted and napped for a while that night, until I ended up going to NB2 in 홍대 with Alex, Christine, Frank, Angie, Lily, Jimi and Misha. NB2 was sooo crowded and at times, the music was really bad. But at other times, they played 2NE1 and I was all over it. I couldn't contain my excitement over hearing their songs playing. Even Ke$ha was played, so I'd say it was a successful night.

The next morning, I was supposed to wake up at 9am to go to the G20 Concert, but I ended up leaving at around 3pm lol. The concert was at 잠실 stadium. We were pretty far back, but it was okay. There was nobody there that I was extremely excited to see. The ones who I did enjoy seeing were 4minute, Kara, Beast, BoA, Rain, etc. I fell asleep during the Taiwanese guy because I was so tired. Nothing much happened after the concert was over. We got back to 연세 and I knocked out from 5am to 4pm.

Sunday, I resolved all that happened from last week. After being Gretchen'd ("You can't sit with us!!") last week, I could finally think without having to worry about losing a friend. But if there's anything that I've learned in the past week, it's that I shouldn't have fallen into the same pattern, the same routine, with the same people. Being forced to stay away from the people I had seen every single day since my arrival in Korea, I was able to make new connections. And despite feeling like I had dug myself a hole, I pulled myself out. I feel like my life here will be different for the better.

Monday was like any normal day until dinner. I ate dinner with the original folks and we went to the place above Jessica's Kitchen (The restaurant does have a name, but I like to refer to it in regards to Jessica's Kitchen.) Dinner seemed normal until the lady at the table next to us offered us a bowl of rice. I thought it was really nice of her. She then proceeded to hand over another bowl of rice. And another. Next came the 파전 and a full 불고기 dinner! I couldn't believe it when she kept handing over stuff to us. She said she liked foreign students and we just happened to be at the right place at the right time. Finally, she gave us 4 bottles of 막걸리! It was almost too good to be true. Her and her group asked us to sing for them, and we had no choice but to. They were so nice to us! It was the best meal I had eaten in Korea so far. :DDD

Last night, I got my hurr did along with Joon and Wayne. I swear the lady who cut my hair really loves to cut hair. She took so long and even after getting it washed, she cut some more. But she styled it very nice. I swear she didn't put wax in it. It was magic. Maybe it was just because she used a blowdryer on it, but I loved it. I'm sad that it'll probably never look like that again, but I can deal with it.

Later on, I bought a phone card and called my grandparents because it was my grandfather's birthday a couple of days ago. When I called, my mom answered the phone. She seemed surprised that I called and talked about Joey's winning film and their trip down to San Diego. I wish I could've been there, but I'm still very happy for him. I told my mom to let me say happy birthday to my grandfather, which I did, but barely got a response from. He can barely speak anymore. My family doesn't even take him outside anymore because it's too hard for him to move. I feel so sad for him. I know that things just happen and you can't change it, but it's a sad thought. I can't imagine what it feels like to basically feel trapped inside of your body. You can see and think clearly, but your body won't do what it tells you to. :(

The weather has been getting very cold lately. Last night, it was down to about 36 degrees. That's the lowest it'll be this week, but it should start snowing next month. I'm excited, but I'm worried too. I need snow boots and more jackets. This calls for some Gmarket shopping.

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